News Environment

Small reactors create more nuclear waste.

A new study has revealed that small modular reactors (SMRs), which are being developed in many countries as a safer and cheaper alternative to larger

 News Environment

Wild West Mentality in Cobalt Mining

The mining of cobalt, a ferromagnetic transition metal used in various industrial products including electric car batteries, is carried out under extremely poor social and

 News Economics

Scientists call for meat tax.

The production of meat causes significant environmental and climate damage. Scientists are calling for the introduction of a meat tax to address this issue. The

 News Geology

Earth Reflects Less Sunlight

The Earth’s reflection of sunlight, known as the Da-Vinci-Glow, has decreased due to climate change. This means that the Earth is now darker, reflecting less

 News Environment

Lab-made dog food fights climate change.

Bond Pet Food, a start-up based in Boulder, USA, is developing lab-grown protein for dog food to reduce the environmental impact of pet ownership. According

 News Environment

Rising Jellyfish Sightings in Mediterranean

Bond Pet Food, a start-up based in Boulder, USA, is developing lab-grown protein for dog food to reduce the environmental impact of pet ownership. The

 News Environment

Efficient Biofuel Production Ever

A new genetically modified yeast has been developed that can turn plant waste into bioethanol, a fuel that can be mixed with gasoline. Currently, crops

 News Technology

Estonia to Get Mini Nuclear Plant

The Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are still dependent on Russia for their electricity supply, despite the collapse of the Soviet Union 30

 News Medicine

Conventional coffee healthier than organic

Organic coffee contains significantly fewer health-promoting chlorogenic acids than conventionally grown beans, according to a study by scientists at Jacobs University Bremen. Chlorogenic acids are

 News Environment

Neonicotinoids shrink ant colonies.

A new study by scientists at the University of Bern has revealed a previously unknown negative effect of the neonicotinoid pesticide Thiamethoxam on ant colonies.