News Psychology

Reduce Meat Consumption with Shocking Images

A recent study conducted by researchers at Durham University has found that warning labels and graphic images on meat products can significantly reduce the consumption

 News Environment

Start-up allegedly begins geoengineering.

Make Sunsets, a start-up company, has reportedly begun geoengineering by releasing sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere to reflect sunlight and interrupt climate change. This

 News Environment

New Global Drought Map

A new global map of aridity has been created, providing high-resolution data on the dryness of individual regions. This information is crucial for agriculture and

 News Environment

100 Tons of Plastic Collected

A new global map of aridity has been created, providing high-resolution data on the dryness of individual regions. This information is particularly important for agriculture.

 News Environment

Artificial Snowmaking to Prevent West Antarctic Melting

A team of scientists from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) has proposed a seemingly crazy idea to prevent the impending collapse of