News Biology

Bird-like Sleeping Behavior in Dinosaurs

Scientists have discovered a new species of dinosaur in Mongolia that sheds light on the sleeping habits of non-avian dinosaurs. The dinosaur, named Jaculinykus yaruui,

 News Biology

Giant Deep-Sea Isopod Discovered

In the Gulf of Mexico, a giant sea pillbug has been discovered that is much larger than the typical pillbug. According to marine biologists, only

 News Biology

Ape Midlife Crisis

A new study has found that chimpanzees and orangutans experience a midlife crisis, just like humans. Researchers from around the world studied over 500 primates

 News Biology

Bonobos’ Friendly Connections Offer Clues to Human Societies

In a new study, scientists observed wild bonobos in the Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve, uncovering an unexpected trait—bonobos often cooperate across groups. Unlike their chimp relatives,

 Story Biology

Roots of Plant Evolution

With a remarkable evolutionary history spanning 500 million years on Earth, plants have left an indelible mark on our planet. A novel theory posits that

 Story Biology

Lucy’s Tragic End: A Glimpse into Human Evolution

Three million years ago, the renowned human ancestor Lucy met a tragic demise, leaving behind fossilized bones that remain unparalleled in paleoanthropology. Donald Johanson, Lucy’s

 Story Biology

Chinese Perspective on the Origin of Modern Humans

A skull discovered in 1978 in Dali Province, Shanghai, China, holds the potential to reshape the narrative of modern human origins. Strikingly resembling an ancient

 Story Biology

Human Fatness vs. Primate Leanness

Though sharing 99% of our DNA with primate relatives, humans stand out as considerably fatter. While contemporary factors like unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyles

 Story Biology

Race vs. Ethnicity

Ever wondered about the distinctions between race and ethnicity? Contrary to common belief, the divergence lies in biology and culture. Despite minor genetic variations globally,

 Story Biology

Ancient Bedbugs: Coexisting with Dinosaurs

Bedbugs, unwelcome nocturnal companions of humanity, have a history stretching back over 100 million years. Surprisingly, these pests existed alongside dinosaurs, serving as parasites to