News Biology

10,000-Year-Old Woolly Rhino Baby Discovered

In the frigid Siberian tundra, Russian researchers have made a remarkable discovery: the remains of a baby woolly rhinoceros. This find is particularly significant as

 News Biology

Mites as stowaways on planes.

Millions of people travel by air for business or leisure, but they are not the only passengers on board. Scientists have discovered that mites are

 News Medicine

Non-human genes found in DNA.

In a groundbreaking discovery, British researchers have found that some of our genes are not entirely human. Instead, they originate from microorganisms and were transferred

 News Biology

Mehrzeller evolved 60 million years earlier

New Fossil Discoveries in Southern China Reveal Complex Life Forms Existed 60 Million Years Earlier Than Previously Thought In a groundbreaking discovery, geobiologist Professor Shuhai

 News Geology

Sahara Desert Older Than Thought

The Sahara desert is the largest sand desert on Earth, covering an approximate area of 9.4 million square kilometers. Recently, scientists from the Bjerknes Centre

 News Biology

The Uniqueness of Human Faces

The Uniqueness of the Human Face: A Study by Michael Sheehan The human face has remained unique since the time of the Neanderthals, according to

 News Biology

Teaching Fish to Walk: Biologists’ Experiment

In a groundbreaking experiment, biologists at the University of Ottawa have successfully raised Polypterus fish, also known as bichirs or ropefish, on land for eight

 News Biology

Mystery of Deep-Sea Species

Mysterious Mushroom-Shaped Creatures Found in Deep Sea In a recent discovery, researchers have found two pilzförmige (mushroom-shaped) creatures in the deep sea that cannot be

 News Biology

Four-winged Dinosaurs

In China, paleontologists have discovered the largest dinosaur with four wings to date. The dinosaur, named Changyuraptor, has the longest tail feathers of all known

 News Biology

Dogs Steal Food in Darkness

Dogs are known for their obedience and ability to follow commands, but a recent study conducted by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary