Story Biology

Mint’s Sneaky Influence: A Natural Brain Trick

Experience the photo of mint, and you’ll sense a refreshing coolness in your mouth. Behind this fascinating minty sensation lies the plant’s biochemistry evolution over

 Story Biology

Adapting to Apocalypse: Rats as Survivors

Contemplating the prospect of a mass extinction reminiscent of the event 65 million years ago, one question looms: which animals would emerge as survivors and

 Story Biology

Unveiling the Origins of Swallowing Ability

Ever wondered why swallowing seems so effortless? The key lies in our evolutionary past, where our cetacean ancestor, predating true mammals by millions of years,

 Story Biology

The Feather Origin Dilemma

Feathers predated birds by 80 million years, challenging our understanding of dinosaurs, birds, and pterosaurs—flying reptiles. Feathers weren’t exclusively for birds or flight, reshaping our

 Story Biology

The Father’s Impact: Decoding Child Gender

The number of brothers or sisters a man has can influence the gender of his children. Genes from men play a role in determining whether

 Story Biology

Giants Among Rodents

Five-kilogram rats, towering 10 times larger than today’s counterparts, once shared the world with humans. Fossil evidence indicates that these colossal rodents were not only

 Story Biology

The Tapestry of Human Evolution

“Descended from monkeys?… Let’s hope it’s not true, but if it is, let’s pray that it doesn’t become known to the world.” The Bishop of

 Story Biology

Evolution’s Walk: Pioneering Stride of the Little Skate

A breakthrough discovery reveals genes and nerve cells responsible for walking in humans and other terrestrial animals within a primitive fish, Leucoraja erinacea. This finding

 Story Biology

Evolution’s Peculiar Nerve Pathways

The grace and perfection of living organisms may give the impression of meticulous design, but beneath the surface lie imperfections—evolutionary “mistakes” that emerge without the

 Story Biology

The Roots of Parental Care

The crucial role of the hypothalamus in fostering parental care has been unveiled, shedding light on the self-sacrificing behavior exhibited by parents across species, including