News Biology

Ancient Koala Fossil Found in Australia

A new discovery in Australia has filled a gap in the evolutionary history of marsupials. Researchers from Flinders University have found fossils of a prehistoric

 News Biology

Giant Amphibian Found in Garden Wall

A rare discovery of a fossilized amphibian, similar in appearance to the Chinese giant salamander, has been made in Australia. The fossil was found by

 News Medicine

Preserved Antibodies in Human Teeth

Groundbreaking research conducted by scientists at the University of Nottingham has revealed that stable antibodies capable of fighting viruses can be found in human teeth

 News Biology

Europe’s ancient humans wiped out by extreme cold

New evidence suggests that an extreme cold spell occurred in Southern Europe during the early Pleistocene, leading to the depopulation of the area around 1.1

 News Biology

Virgin Birth’s Genetic Cause Identified

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at the University of Cambridge have identified the genetic cause of virgin birth, or parthenogenesis. They were able to manipulate

 News Biology

Microbes Unveil Evolution’s Complex Mysteries

Asgard-Archaea: The Common Ancestor of Complex Life on Earth Prokaryotes, a group of cellular organisms that lack a nucleus, including bacteria and archaea, were the

 News Medicine

New Human Taste Discovered

A new sixth taste has been identified by researchers at the University of Southern California. The classic tastes of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami

 News Biology

Math and Genetics: Surprising Link

In a surprising discovery, researchers at the University of Oxford have found a connection between the digit sum function of number theory and a key

 News Biology

Why Humans Walk on Two Legs

A groundbreaking study has used artificial intelligence (AI) to identify the genes responsible for the modern human’s ability to walk upright. Researchers from the University

 News Biology

Decoding the Evolutionary Reasons for Masturbation

The male masturbation behavior in primates has been found to have evolved as a means of aiding reproduction and protecting against sexually transmitted infections. Masturbation