News Biology

River Hippos in Ancient Germany

During the last Ice Age, hippos lived in the Upper Rhine Valley between Frankfurt and Basel. Today, these warm-loving animals are only found in Africa.

 News Biology

Reviving Woolly Mammoths: Jurassic Park?

In a groundbreaking move, a team of scientists led by George Church from Harvard University has received $15 million in funding to bring the woolly

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Pandemic Eradicates Flu Variants

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to the extinction of some flu variants due to infection control measures and travel restrictions. However, this paradoxically means that

 News Biology

Ocean algae produces biofuel.

Scientists from the Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) have discovered a single-celled marine algae in the Arctic Ocean that can produce

 News Biology

Tiny Tubes May Be Oldest Fossil

In a seemingly unremarkable rock, the remains of some deep-sea sponges could be found. If they are as old as some scientists suspect, they would

 News Biology

Birds Can Taste Sugar

Birds are known to feed on insects and nectar, with the hummingbird being the most famous example. This bird has a unique ability to taste

 News Biology

New Prehistoric Human Found in Israel

A new species of ancient human has been discovered in Ramla, Israel. Fossils dating back 140,000 to 120,000 years were found during excavations and are

 News Biology

Cow stomach bacteria break down plastic

Plastic is a widely used material due to its affordability, durability, and strength. However, out of the 400 million tons of plastics produced each year,

 News Biology

New Giant Dinosaur Found in Australia

Australotitan cooperensis, the largest dinosaur ever found in Australia, has been discovered after 15 years of excavation. The dinosaur was estimated to be as long

 News Biology

Unknown Vertebrate Regions on World Map

The world is home to an incredible variety of species, but only a small percentage of them have been scientifically described. In fact, estimates suggest