News Astronomy

Aliens Could Use Black Hole for Energy

In 1969, physicist Roger Penrose proposed a theory that extraterrestrial beings could harness energy from a black hole by lowering an object into its ergosphere.

 News Astronomy

Satellite Receives Power from Earth

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have successfully transmitted electricity from Earth to a satellite in space, demonstrating the

 News Economics

4-day workweek boosts productivity in Iceland

In Iceland, a recent experiment aimed to determine whether working fewer hours while maintaining the same salary could lead to increased efficiency and productivity. Iceland

 News Biology

Chimpanzee Working Memory Equals Children’s

The memory capacity of chimpanzees and children is almost identical, according to a recent study by scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.

 News Physics

Turning Light into Matter

Physicists at a British laboratory are attempting to prove a theory that has been considered unprovable for over 80 years: that light can be converted

 News Archeology

Viking Sunstone Navigation in Clouds

The Vikings were known for their mastery of navigation on the high seas, even before the invention of the magnetic compass. They were able to

 News Technology

Invisibility through precise counter-radiation

Incredible as it may sound, a counter-light beam could be used to make objects disappear optically. A precise counter-radiation causes an optical cloaking effect in

 News Physics

Physicists Disprove Alternative to Quantum Theory

Vienna, Austria – Physicists have once again put quantum mechanics to the test with a new experiment using a special metamaterial, which has confirmed the

 News Psychology

3 Key Compatibility Factors for Happy Couples

Japanese psychologists have discovered in an experiment that the mere sight of a mobile phone disrupts concentration. Researchers previously believed that active use of mobile

 News Biology

Can Humans Predict the Future?

Psychologist Daryl Bem from Cornell University claims to have found evidence that people can predict the future through precognition or clairvoyance. His study, published in