News Technology

Capturing Lost Light in Photography

In a groundbreaking experiment involving frequency-dependent phase shifting, scientists have successfully captured an image of an object without direct illumination. Led by Austrian physicist Anton

 News Technology

Camera Films 4 Trillion Frames/Sec

In a groundbreaking experiment involving frequency-dependent phase shifting, scientists have successfully captured an image of an object without direct illumination. Led by Austrian physicist Anton

 News Medicine

One Neuron for Every Face

The ability to recognize faces is different from simply seeing them with our eyes. While we use visual perception for information input, familiar faces are

 News Physics

Mini Fusion Reactor Achieves Laser-Induced Fusion

In a groundbreaking laser experiment, scientists have achieved a major milestone in the quest to build a functioning fusion reactor. The experiment involved heating a

 News Biology

Mobile Radiation Prevents Plant Germination

A simple school experiment is raising new questions about whether mobile phone radiation may have harmful effects on humans. Plants, at least, react very sensitively

 News Biology

Dogs Steal Food in Darkness

Dogs are known for their obedience and ability to follow commands, but a recent study conducted by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary

 News Archeology

Transporting Easter Island’s Moai Statues

Transporting the massive Moai statues, weighing up to 74 tons and scattered throughout Easter Island, has long puzzled scientists. However, researchers have now discovered a