News Biology

Oldest Python Found Near Darmstadt

A 47.5 million-year-old fossil found near Darmstadt, Germany, has revealed that pythons originated on the northern continent of Laurasia. Today, anacondas, pythons, and boas are

 News Geology

Chain reaction caused largest mass extinction

The largest mass extinction in Earth’s history, which occurred 252 million years ago, was caused by a rapid climate change triggered by 105,600 gigatons of

 News Biology

Megalodon: The Giant Shark

The Megalodon, a prehistoric shark that lived 23 to 3 million years ago, was much larger than previously thought, according to a new study by

 News Biology

Giant Tortoises Rediscovered on Galapagos

In a stunning discovery, researchers on the island of Isabela in the Pacific have found long-dead genetic material that has given hope for the resurrection

 News Biology

Giant Bird Linked to Early Humans

Palaeontologists have made a surprising discovery on the Crimean Peninsula: a three-and-a-half-meter-tall skeleton of a flightless bird, which is believed to have been in contact

 News Environment

Decline of Insects in Germany

A ten-year study has revealed that the number of insects, species, and biomass has significantly decreased in all regions of Germany. Green and forest areas

 News Biology

Monkey Consumption Boosts Palm Oil Yield

Southern pig-tailed macaques have been found to be effective natural pest controllers in palm oil plantations, reducing the need for rodenticides and benefiting the environment.

 News Biology

Unknown Animal Species Found in Amber

In a rare discovery, scientists at Oregon State University have found a new species of animal that does not fit into any known group. The

 News Biology

Giant Predator Fossil Found in Africa

In a surprising discovery, paleontologists have found previously unnoticed bones in the archives of the Kenyan National Museum that belong to what is believed to

 News Biology

Tasmanian Tiger: Not Extinct?

The Tasmanian Tiger, also known as the Thylacine, has been considered extinct since 1936. However, recent alleged sightings of the animal have prompted researchers to