News Astronomy

Aliens Could Easily Discover Dinosaurs

Aliens could have easily detected life on Earth during the time of the dinosaurs through biosignatures in the atmosphere, according to recent research. This discovery

 News Astronomy

Aliens? First interstellar objects discovered on Earth

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at Harvard University have found the first interstellar objects on Earth. The Galileo Project, led by astrophysicist Avi Loeb, aims

 News Astronomy

Aliens Could Respond Today

In August 1983, astronomers sent a message to the star Altair in hopes of contacting extraterrestrial life. Today, there is a possibility that a response

 News Astronomy

Aliens Could Use Supernova for Communication

Alien civilizations may use supernovae as a way to attract the attention of human astronomers to their messages. Researchers are now focusing on the region

 News Astronomy

Alien Life Clue in Space Dust

Asteroid impacts can propel material from a planet into space, and this space dust can travel vast distances and survive for long periods of time.

 News Astronomy

No Alien Signals Found Yet.

For 60 years, radio telescopes have been searching for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations. However, a recent study explains why the search has been unsuccessful and

 News Astronomy

Oxygen Isotope Aids Alien Search

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (MPIfR) have found a new method to aid in the search for extraterrestrial life. According

 News Astronomy

New AI system detects potential alien signals.

A new artificial intelligence (AI) has identified eight radio signals that do not match any known earthly or astronomical radio source. It is possible that

 News Astronomy

Revolutionizing Alien Search with Laser

A new analysis tool has been developed that can accurately examine complex connections related to life. The device is expected to aid in the search

 News Physics

Quantum Communication: Contacting Aliens

New calculations reveal that quantum communication via X-ray radiation enables contact with extraterrestrial life over hundreds of thousands of light-years. Scientists from the University of