News Technology

Ancient technique creates additive-free plant-based cheese.

Plant-based cheese has traditionally contained many additives. However, thanks to an ancient technique, the taste and texture of milk-based cheese can now be replicated without

 News Biology

Bacteria produce Omega-3 without fish

Innovative Start-Up Finds Sustainable Way to Produce Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega-3 fatty acids are widely consumed by people to prevent heart disease, high blood pressure,

 News Chemistry

Accelerating Beer Brewing with Beer Bots

Beer Bots made of nanoparticle technology are revolutionizing the beer brewing process. These tiny magnetic beads can be easily removed after fermentation, leaving no residue.

 News Medicine

Why People Can’t Tolerate Bread

New research has challenged the long-held belief that wheat is the cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS is a chronic condition that affects around

 News Medicine

Beer improves gut microbiome in men.

Beer consumption has been found to increase the number of health-promoting bacteria in the gut microbiome of men, according to a recent study by scientists

 News Archeology

13,000-Year-Old Beer Brewing Traces Found in Israel

Archaeologists from Stanford University have discovered evidence of beer-making dating back 13,000 years in the Rakefet Caves in Israel. This is the oldest evidence of

 News Chemistry

Solar Energy Converts CO2 to Food

A groundbreaking new protein powder called Solein has been developed by Finnish startup Solar Foods Ltd. Unlike traditional agriculture, Solein is created through a fermentation

 News Chemistry

Bacteria enzymes turn algae into ethanol and plastic

The annual algae bloom in the Atlantic Ocean is becoming a growing concern due to its negative impact on the environment. The algae, which consumes