News Economics

Heavy Rain Threatens German Economy

Extreme rainfall is causing a decline in economic growth in wealthy countries such as the U.S.A., Japan, and Germany, according to a study by the

 News Environment

CO2 Price Key to German Climate Neutrality

A CO2 price for the use of fossil fuels is the most economically viable option for Germany to become climate neutral by 2045, according to

 News Environment

Massive Methane Leaks in North Sea

The extraction of oil and gas from the seabed is proving to be a significant climate hazard. Researchers have discovered that abandoned drilling holes release

 News Geology

Earth’s complete carbon balance created

The Earth contains a total of 1.85 billion gigatons of carbon, with 99.9% of it being located below the surface. Of the 43,500 gigatons on

 News Environment

Record High CO2 Levels in Atmosphere

The Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii recently recorded the highest concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere since the 1950s, with a reading of 415.26 parts

 News Environment

Diesel cleaner than electric cars.

A recent study by the ifo Institute has found that electric cars, such as the Tesla Model 3, produce more CO2 emissions than comparable diesel