News Biology

Last European Giant Panda Found

Six million years ago, the last European giant panda lived in the swamp forests of Bulgaria. The species likely went extinct due to climate change,

 News Biology

Nettle animal solves evolution puzzle

The discovery of fossilized soft tissues from the 514 million-year-old marine creature Gangtoucunia aspera has solved a mystery about the evolution of the first skeletal

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Tiny Tubes May Be Oldest Fossil

In a seemingly unremarkable rock, the remains of some deep-sea sponges could be found. If they are as old as some scientists suspect, they would

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New Prehistoric Human Found in Israel

A new species of ancient human has been discovered in Ramla, Israel. Fossils dating back 140,000 to 120,000 years were found during excavations and are

 News Biology

First fossil of nesting dinosaur found.

A groundbreaking discovery in China has revealed that dinosaurs incubated their eggs in a manner similar to modern-day birds. Palaeontologists have long known that most

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German fossils reveal domesticated dogs

New evidence suggests that the domestication of dogs may have occurred in the southwest region of Germany, specifically in Baden-Württemberg. Fossils found in the Gnirshöhle

 News Biology

Oldest Primate Fossils Unearthed

Newly discovered fossils reveal that the ancestors of humans lived on Earth at the same time as the last dinosaurs. The first forms of mammals

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Unknown Animal Species Found in Amber

In a rare discovery, scientists at Oregon State University have found a new species of animal that does not fit into any known group. The

 News Biology

Denisovan fossil found at 3,280m

A recent analysis of a bone found in 1980 has revealed that the Denisovan people, a now-extinct cousin of modern humans, not only lived in

 News Biology

Ancient Ammonite Found in Amber

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found a 99 million-year-old ammonite preserved in amber in Myanmar. Ammonites, which are relatives of modern-day squids, have only