News Biology

Golf Course Lake Hosts Sharks

Bull sharks are known for their remarkable adaptability, and a recent study by researchers at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) has highlighted just how impressive this trait

 News Environment

Prehistoric Microorganisms Ensure Drinking Water Supply

A newly discovered species in Lake Constance is helping to reduce the concentration of toxic ammonium ions and secure the drinking water supply in the

 News Biology

Freshwater Crustaceans Found in Hottest Place

In the scorching hot Dasht-e Lut desert in Iran, where temperatures can reach over 80°C, scientists have discovered a new species of freshwater-dwelling crustaceans. Despite

 News Geology

Massive Atlantic Groundwater Reservoir Discovered

Geologists from the Earth Institute at Columbia University have discovered one of the largest freshwater reservoirs on Earth off the coast of the United States.