News Geology

Remnants of a primordial planet found

Dutch researchers have developed a simple but effective way to reduce fuel consumption in trucks by up to 7.5%. The innovation involves attaching a funnel-shaped

 News Technology

Fuel Efficiency: Saving on Supertanker

The Chinese supertanker New Aden has been launched with four fixed sails made of carbon fiber that significantly reduce fuel consumption. The shipping industry accounts

 News Economics

German Majority Supports Temporary Speed Limit

The majority of Germans are in favor of a temporary speed limit on highways due to the energy crisis. However, opinions vary depending on the

 News Environment

Plug-in Hybrid Cars’ Real Consumption

A recent study has revealed that the real-world fuel consumption and emissions of plug-in hybrid vehicles are significantly higher than official test results suggest. Plug-in

 News Environment

Call for General Speed Limit

The ACE Auto Club Europa e. V. (ACE) is calling for a speed limit of 100 km/h on all German highways to reduce fuel consumption.

 News Economics

Germany’s CO2 Tax Reduces Emissions

A recent study has found that the newly introduced CO2 price has significantly reduced the number of kilometers driven and, as a result, the emissions

 News Physics

Improved Truck Aerodynamics Reduce Fuel Consumption

Dutch researchers have developed a simple but effective way to reduce fuel consumption in trucks by up to 7.5%. By attaching a funnel-shaped device to