News Economics

German Job Applicants Often Lie

A recent study conducted by has revealed that over half of German job applicants have lied on their resumes. The study surveyed 3,000 participants

 News Psychology

Obesity Increases Risk of Mental Illness

Obesity is a condition that affects a significant number of people worldwide. According to a recent study conducted by researchers from the Medical University of

 News Psychology

Gender Overestimates Intelligence?

A new study conducted by researchers at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, has revealed that there are significant gender differences in how individuals perceive their

 News Psychology

Happiness Peaks in Early 30s

According to a recent retrospective longitudinal study, people are happiest on average between the ages of 30 and 34. Surprisingly, childhood is not considered the

 News Medicine

Men’s higher colon cancer risk partially unexplained.

Men have almost twice the risk of developing colon cancer compared to women, despite known risk factors only partially explaining this disparity. Hormones may be

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Mortality Rates in German Hospitals

A recent study published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine has revealed that the mortality rate for COVID-19 patients in German hospitals is 22%, rising to

 News Medicine

Gender Differences Unveiled

New research has found that the brains of men and women develop differently during puberty, leading to differences in blood flow. The study, conducted by

 News Medicine

Gender Differences in Color Perception

A new study conducted by the City University of New York has found that men and women perceive details and colors differently. The research team,