News Medicine

STXBP6 Gene Deletion and Neurological Disorders

Researchers have identified a key genetic mutation linked to developmental epileptic encephalopathy (DEE) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The study led by Mirella Vinci from

 News Medicine

UK Approves CRISPR/Cas Drug Casgevy for Blood Disorders

The UK’s MHRA has greenlit Casgevy, a CRISPR/Cas gene-editing drug, for treating blood disorders. This groundbreaking approval offers hope to patients aged twelve and above

 Story Biology

A Viral Twist in Neuronal Communication Revealed

Millions of years ago, our DNA encountered viral contamination, resulting in the exchange of genetic material among proteins crucial for long-term memory formation. This viral

 News Biology

The Influence of a 700-Million-Year-Old Mutation on Organ Development

A genetic mutation that dates back 700 million years has played a crucial role in the formation of essential organs in humans and other vertebrates.

 News Biology

Evolution of the Sugar Gene

The perils of red meat consumption trace back two million years, unveiling a pivotal shift in the human genome. A genetic mutation altered our sugar-making

 News Medicine

Why not all smokers get lung cancer.

A recent report from the Robert Koch Institute reveals that approximately 59,700 people are diagnosed with lung cancer in Germany every year. The number of

 News Medicine

Memory loss in old age prevented

A breakthrough study by scientists at the University of Basel has discovered a new mechanism that could significantly improve the memory of older individuals. The

 News Medicine

Biological Pacemaker Developed by Medics

In a groundbreaking development, American researchers are looking to replace the technology of pacemakers with reprogrammed cells. These cells are expected to permanently replace the