News Medicine

Higher Mortality Risk in CRISPR-Edited Babies

The birth of genetically modified twins in China last year using CRISPR gene editing technology has caused a stir in the scientific community. While the

 News Medicine

Crispr Cures HIV-Infected Mice

A new treatment method combining antiviral drugs and the gene-editing tool Crispr may soon offer hope for a cure for HIV-infected individuals. Researchers at the

 News Medicine

Genetically Modified Babies Born in China

In a groundbreaking development, Chinese doctors have announced the birth of twin girls whose genes were manipulated using the CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing tool. While the genetic

 News Biology

Creating Artificial Life: Biologists’ Breakthrough

In a groundbreaking experiment, biologists at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore have successfully created artificial chromosomes in the lab. This is a significant step towards