News Medicine

Gene Therapy Rejuvenates Mice

A biotech company has successfully rejuvenated mice through gene therapy, and now aims to extend human life. Rejuvente Bio, based in San Diego, claims to

 News Medicine

First full human eye transplant

In a groundbreaking medical achievement, doctors at NYU Langone Health have successfully transplanted a complete eye to a patient who lost his left eye and

 News Medicine

Gene Therapy Cures Alcohol Addiction

A groundbreaking gene therapy that involves implanting a virus into the brain can reduce alcohol consumption in heavy drinkers to almost zero. This treatment could

 News Medicine

Permanent Cure for Blood Disease

A groundbreaking gene therapy injection has successfully cured people with hemophilia, a genetic disorder that impairs the body’s ability to clot blood. Hemophilia patients lack

 News Medicine

Successful Human Gene Therapy Trial

A new gene therapy for Hemophilia A, a blood clotting disorder, has shown promising results in a clinical trial. Hemophilia A patients have limited production

 News Medicine

Successful Gene Therapy for Color Blindness

A new gene therapy has been developed that allows adults with complete color blindness (achromatopsia) to see more clearly and recognize colors. The treatment has

 News Medicine

Gene Therapy May Replace Medication for Macular Degeneration

A new gene therapy could replace the current treatment for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a disease that leads to blindness in seniors. Currently, the only

 News Medicine

Epileptic Rats Cured with Gene Therapy

In a groundbreaking development, researchers have successfully used gene therapy to cure epilepsy in rats. By introducing a copy of a specific gene into the