News Psychology

Fewer cuckoo children than assumed.

New research has shown that the number of “cuckoo children” – those fathered by someone other than the man who believes he is the father

 News Medicine

Inuit DNA Mutations Discovered

Inuit’s genetic adaptation to their extreme environment and high-fat diet has been confirmed by biologists. Researchers have identified specific mutations in the DNA of Inuit

 News Biology

AI solves immortal flatworm mystery

For over a century, scientists have been trying to unravel the mystery of the immortal flatworm. Now, an artificial intelligence has solved the puzzle in

 News Medicine

Genius and Madness Share Genetic Basis

Creativity and Psychosis: Are They Genetically Linked? It is commonly believed that large breasts and a sporty appearance are sexy and provide an evolutionary advantage

 News Biology

Mites as stowaways on planes.

Millions of people travel by air for business or leisure, but they are not the only passengers on board. Scientists have discovered that mites are

 News Medicine

Non-human genes found in DNA.

In a groundbreaking discovery, British researchers have found that some of our genes are not entirely human. Instead, they originate from microorganisms and were transferred

 News Psychology

Drawing skills predict future intelligence.

British scientists have conducted a long-term study that may predict intelligence in growing children. Ten years ago, four-year-olds were asked to draw a person. Now,

 News Psychology

The Face of Anger: Changes and Causes

British scientists have conducted a long-term study that may predict intelligence in growing children. Ten years ago, four-year-olds were asked to draw a person. Now,

 News Biology

The Uniqueness of Human Faces

The Uniqueness of the Human Face: A Study by Michael Sheehan The human face has remained unique since the time of the Neanderthals, according to

 News Biology

Theoretical Immortality of Yeast Cells

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute have made a remarkable discovery about a type of yeast that can rejuvenate with every cell division, making it