News Biology

Ötzi’s DNA: Origin, Skin, Hair

A new study by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman of Eurac Research in

 Story Biology

A Viral Twist in Neuronal Communication Revealed

Millions of years ago, our DNA encountered viral contamination, resulting in the exchange of genetic material among proteins crucial for long-term memory formation. This viral

 News Biology

4,000-Year-Old Plague DNA Found

The discovery of bones from mass graves in the UK has revealed that the plague reached Britain around 4,000 years ago. Researchers from the University

 News Medicine

World’s Largest Family Tree Created

A groundbreaking study has revealed that a new artificial intelligence (AI) has created the largest family tree of humanity, tracing back over 100,000 years. The

 News Medicine

Human Genome Decoded Completely

In 2001, several research groups announced that they had decoded 92% of the human genome, a milestone for biomedical research and science as a whole.

 News Medicine

Identifying Mutational Fog as Highly Carcinogenic

APOBEC Enzymes, which are supposed to defend against diseases, are attacking human cells and causing mutation clouds that frequently lead to cancer. Researchers from the

 News Biology

Predictability of Evolution?

The evolutionary arms race can lead to similar traits, but genes develop differently. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Plön, Germany,