News Geology

Embryo Found in Indian Ocean

A recent study published in the journal Terra Nova suggests that the Kerguelen Plateau in the southern Indian Ocean may contain the embryo of a

 News Geology

Antarctic Lithosphere Structure in 3D

Scientists have created a detailed 3D model of the rock beneath the ice in Antarctica, revealing significant differences between the west and east of the

 News Geology

Lost Continent Discovered Under Europe

The collision of the African and Eurasian tectonic plates in the Mediterranean region has led to the formation of the Alps and other mountain ranges

 News Geology

Lava Lake Found in Antarctic Ice

NASA scientists have discovered a lava lake under the ice of Antarctica using satellite imagery. The lake, located in the Mount Michael volcano, is the

 News Geology

Massive Atlantic Groundwater Reservoir Discovered

Geologists from the Earth Institute at Columbia University have discovered one of the largest freshwater reservoirs on Earth off the coast of the United States.

 News Geology

New mantle region found in volcanic rock

Scientists from the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU) have discovered a previously unknown region of the Earth’s mantle in volcanic rock samples from the Bermuda Islands.

 News Geology

Africa’s Continent is Breaking Apart

A massive crack stretching for kilometers has appeared in Kenya, and it is growing larger by the day. Geologists believe that this crack is a

 News Geology

Alps on the Move: Research Reveals

Researchers have used GPS data accurate to the second to graphically depict the dynamics of ongoing mountain formation in Europe. The African continental plate has

 News Geology

Mystery of Global Seismic Activity

On November 11th, seismic devices around the world registered an unusual event. However, what lies behind this presumed geological activity remains a mystery to geologists.

 News Geology

Trillions of Diamonds Found Underground

Researchers have discovered evidence of massive diamond deposits at depths of over 150 kilometers. While diamonds are rare near the Earth’s surface and are considered