News Technology

Privacy a Priority for German Smart Homes

A recent study has revealed that German citizens place a higher value on data privacy in relation to smart home technology than other Europeans. This

 News Technology

Bayern tests hydrogen heating

In a small town in Bavaria, Germany, a unique experiment is set to take place in the summer of 2023. The existing natural gas network

 News Technology

Preparing for Blackouts in German Energy Transition

The possibility of a widespread blackout in Germany’s energy landscape is becoming a growing concern amidst the current energy crisis and conflict in Ukraine. More

 News Environment

Germany allows diesel from old cooking oil

Germany to Allow Sale of Biofuels Made from Used Cooking Oil Germany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection (BMUV)

 News Environment

LNG Worse Than Coal for Climate?

A new study conducted by Robert W. Howarth of Cornell University has revealed that burning liquefied natural gas (LNG) instead of coal in Germany may

 News Medicine

Germany’s Life Expectancy in Europe

Germany Ranks Lowest in Life Expectancy Among Western European Countries A recent study conducted by the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) and the Max

 News Economics

Affordable Homeownership in Germany Today?

A recent study conducted by economists at the Institute of German Economy in Cologne has found that owning property in Germany is currently more affordable

 News Economics

Vegan vs. Omnivore: Cost Comparison

A recent study conducted by the IFPE (Forschungsinstitut für pflanzenbasierte Ernährung) has found that vegan diets can be cheaper than omnivorous diets in Germany. Despite

 News Economics

6-Figure Salary in Germany: How?

A recent study conducted by Stepstone has revealed that 6% of employees in Germany earn a salary of at least €100,000. The study analyzed the

 News Technology

Wireless Charging for Electric Cars

Germany is set to install a public test track for electric vehicles that can be charged while driving using magnetic coils embedded in the road.