News Psychology

257 Years Until Absolute Equality

Germany Still Lags Behind in Gender Equality Germany is still struggling to achieve complete gender equality, and experts predict that it will take some time

 News Medicine

Rare Covid-19 detection in Germany.

A recent study by the University of Göttingen has revealed that only 15.6% of Covid-19 infections in Germany are being detected. This means that the

 News Economics

German wealth grows €7,788/sec

It may be hard to believe, but the wealth of German households is currently growing at a rate of around €7,788 per second! This brings

 News Economics

30% of Germans Use Mobile Payment

Mobile payment is slowly gaining popularity in Germany, with around 30% of Germans having used it at least once, according to a recent Bitkom survey.

 News Economics

Rising Poverty Risk with Each Child

A new study by the Bertelsmann Foundation reveals that the risk of poverty for families in Germany is much higher than previously thought. The study,

 News Economics

Career aspirations of children and youth.

A recent study conducted by Appinio GmbH has revealed the most popular career aspirations among children and teenagers in Germany. Despite the rise of new

 News Medicine

Misdiagnosis of Back Pain by Doctors

Back pain is a common ailment in Germany, with one in five individuals seeking medical attention for it annually. However, a recent study by the

 News Biology

Toxic Spider Spreading in Germany

A venomous spider known as the Ammen-Dornfinger has been spotted in increasing numbers in the Berlin and Brandenburg areas of Germany. This spider, which is