News Economics

German Wealth Reaches Record High

The private wealth of Germans has reached a new record high of 7.325 billion euros in the second quarter of 2021, with the main driver

 News Medicine

COVID-19 only slightly lowers life expectancy in Germany

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on life expectancy in many developed nations. However, in Germany, the decrease in life expectancy has been

 News Medicine

Demand for Massive Restrictions on Unvaccinated

Germany is implementing measures to increase vaccination rates against COVID-19, including offering a first dose to all willing individuals by the end of July 2021.

 News Medicine

No Increased COVID Risk for Transit Workers

A new study conducted by the Charité Research Organisation (CRO) has found that the risk of contracting COVID-19 while using public transportation in Germany is

 News Technology

Germany Begins 6G Development

Germany to Invest 700 Million Euros in 6G Development Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has announced plans to invest almost 700 million

 News Medicine

Boosting Germany’s Covid-19 Vaccination Rate with 500 Euro Bonus

Germany is facing a new challenge in its vaccination campaign as the availability of vaccines has improved, but the number of people willing to get

 News Economics

Gasoline Costs 90% Higher Than Electricity

Electric cars in Germany cost an average of €730 per year to power, according to a study by This is significantly cheaper than the

 News Medicine

10% of Germans reject Covid vaccine

A quarter of the adult population in Germany is either completely against getting vaccinated against Covid-19 or hesitant to do so, making it highly unlikely

 News Environment

Major German Cities Test 30km/h

Seven major German cities have decided to implement a new speed limit of 30 km/h in an effort to reduce accidents and lower traffic noise

 News Medicine

Football Watching Increases Heart Attack Risk

The 2014 World Cup saw a significant increase in heart attacks among German viewers, according to a study by researchers at the Center for Cardiology