News Environment

Global Forest Fires Revealed by ESA

The European Space Agency (ESA) has developed an interactive tool called the World Fire Atlas that tracks global wildfires and their progression over time. The

 News Biology

Climate change shrinks deep-sea fish

The warming of the oceans has caused deep-sea fish to become significantly smaller, according to a study by the University of Vienna and the Institute

 News Environment

Tripled Heat Days in Germany

The impact of climate change on Germany is becoming increasingly evident, with a new study from the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate

 News Environment

Stop Emissions Now to Accelerate Global Warming

A new study by scientists at the University of Washington has found that an immediate halt to all human-made greenhouse gas emissions would initially accelerate

 News Environment

Climate change extends wildfire season

The impact of climate change on the occurrence of wildfires has been a topic of scientific research for some time. A recent study by the

 News Environment

Record-breaking 38°C in Arctic

The world has witnessed yet another year of record-breaking heatwaves, with the Siberian city of Verkhoyansk in the Arctic reaching a scorching 38 degrees Celsius.

 News Environment

Extinction of Species Fuels Wildfires

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is accelerating due to climate change, which could have significant impacts on local climate and marine ecosystems. The ACC is

 News Environment

China’s CO2 Emissions Surpass Developed Nations

China surpasses all developed countries combined in CO2 emissions for the first time in 2019, according to a study by the Rhodium Group. The country

 News Environment

Asymmetric Effects of CO2 Emissions

A new study by the Simon Fraser University has revealed that the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere may be less effective than previously thought.

 News Environment

Ancient Permafrost Found in Siberia

In the remote region of northeastern Russia lies the Republic of Sakha, also known as Yakutia, which is famous for its extreme cold temperatures. The