News Archeology

“Golden Tagliatelle” found in Germany

A recent discovery in southern Germany has shed light on the existence of trade with England over 3,800 years ago. Researchers from the University of

 News Chemistry

Million Times Thinner Gold Plate

Scientists at the University of Leeds have developed a new two-layered gold material that accelerates chemical processes ten times faster than currently used nanoparticles. The

 News Geology

X-rays aid gold prospecting.

Scientists have developed a new method for detecting gold in the earth’s crust using X-rays. The technique, called Gamma Activation Analysis (GAA), works by bombarding

 News Geology

New continent named Mauritia discovered.

Scientists have developed a new method for detecting gold in the earth’s crust using X-rays. The technique, called Gamma Activation Analysis (GAA), involves bombarding rock

 News Biology

Rare Bacteria Create Tiny Gold Nuggets

In a remarkable discovery, Canadian scientists have found that a bacterium called Delftia acidovorans can transform harmful gold ions into tiny gold nuggets. The bacteria