News Medicine

Graphene tattoo monitors blood pressure.

A revolutionary new blood pressure monitor has been developed by scientists at the University of Texas and Texas A&M University. The device is an electronic

 News Physics

Multiple Realities? Physicists Suggest Multiverse

A recent experiment with graphene has led to a surprising discovery that could explain the existence of a multiverse. Physicists have long been trying to

 News Chemistry

Copper-Palladium Catalyst Creates Graphene from CO2

A new breakthrough in the production of graphene has been achieved by researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany. Graphene, a wonder

 News Technology

Chemical-free mosquito protection with graphene clothing

A new study published in the journal PNAS reveals that a thin layer of graphene in textiles can protect against mosquito bites, replacing the need

 News Physics

Graphene-based Quantum Computing Concept

Scientists at the University of Vienna have presented a concept for a quantum computer based on the wonder material graphene. The concept utilizes a special

 News Physics

New method arranges atoms with electron beam

A new method for manipulating the position of individual atoms has been developed by scientists at the University of Vienna and the Massachusetts Institute of

 News Chemistry

New Super-Material Discovered by Researchers

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a new building material that is lighter than plastic and

 News Physics

Graphene as Light Propulsion for Spaceships

A groundbreaking discovery has been made by researchers at Nankai University in Tianjin, China, who stumbled upon a previously unknown property of the carbon modification

 News Technology

Visualizing Chemical Bonds with Microscope

A new breakthrough in material science has been achieved by a team of researchers in Switzerland. They have developed an atomic force microscope that can