News Medicine

Boost Hair Growth with mRNA Treatment

Hair loss is a common problem among men, with 80% of middle-aged European men experiencing it at some point in their lives. While hair growth

 News Medicine

Hairy Moles for Hair Loss

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of California has found a potential link between hairy moles and hair loss. The study focused

 News Medicine

Cure for Human Hair Loss Soon

Millions of people worldwide suffer from hair loss, and scientists have been unable to identify the cause. However, researchers at the University of California may

 News Medicine

Growing Human Skin with Hair and Nerves from Stem Cells

Scientists have successfully grown nearly complete human skin from embryonic stem cells, which could be used in the future to treat skin diseases, reconstructive surgery

 News Medicine

Electric Follicle Stimulator Prevents Hair Loss

Electric impulses from a follicle stimulator can activate hair roots and prevent hair loss and baldness, according to a recent study published in the ACS

 News Medicine

Baldness hits small men: gene study

A recent study conducted by the University of Bonn has identified gene variants that increase the risk of early hair loss and prostate cancer in

 News Medicine

Male Hair Loss Not Caused by Testosterone

A long-standing myth among the population and some medical professionals and researchers has been scientifically disproven. According to recent studies, the male hormone testosterone is

 News Medicine

Fighting Hair Loss with Piezoelectricity

Kyocera, a Japanese technology company, has partnered with Riken and Organ Technologies to develop a new method for hair cell transplantation. The process involves growing