News Biology

Ape Midlife Crisis

A new study has found that chimpanzees and orangutans experience a midlife crisis, just like humans. Researchers from around the world studied over 500 primates

 News Economics

Money Brings Happiness After All

A new study has challenged the long-held belief that higher income does not necessarily equate to greater happiness. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have

 News Psychology

City vs. Country: Smarter Residents?

The Savanna Theory of Happiness suggests that people with lower IQs prefer the routine life of the countryside, while more intelligent individuals appreciate the variety

 News Psychology

Wealthy Homelands = Unhappy Teens

In a surprising twist, a recent study by economists Robert Rudolf and Dirk Bethmann of Korea University has found that the happiness of teenagers decreases

 News Psychology

Happiness Peaks in Early 30s

According to a recent retrospective longitudinal study, people are happiest on average between the ages of 30 and 34. Surprisingly, childhood is not considered the

 News Psychology

First Relationship Shapes Personality

A new study conducted by German psychologists challenges the widely held belief that our first serious relationship has a significant impact on our personality. Instead,

 News Psychology

Happiness = No Shopping

The advertising industry bombards us with messages every day, telling us what we need to be happy. However, recent research by neuroscientists has shown that

 News Psychology

Believers in Conspiracy Theories are Rational

The constant bombardment of advertisements telling us what we need to be happy has led to a society that is constantly consuming. However, recent research