News Biology

Ötzi’s DNA: Origin, Skin, Hair

A new study by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman of Eurac Research in

 News Medicine

Alcohol Increases Risk of 60+ Diseases

Alcohol Increases Risk of 61 Diseases, Including Previously Unrecognized Ones A study conducted on over 500,000 Chinese individuals has revealed that alcohol consumption increases the

 News Psychology

German workers prone to addiction

A recent study conducted by the Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) and the Technische Universität Braunschweig on behalf of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (HBS) has revealed that a

 News Economics

Germany Could Save €16 Billion with Sugar Tax

A sugar tax could significantly reduce the consumption of soft drinks, saving the German economy and healthcare system €16 billion. High sugar consumption is associated

 News Medicine

Insecticides Linked to Decline in Human Sperm Counts

A recent meta-study led by researchers from Northeastern University (NU) and George Mason University, under the guidance of Lauren B. Ellis, reveals a concerning connection

 News Biology

European Early Humans Ate Algae

Algae, seaweed, and other aquatic plants are highly nutritious and healthy, yet they are rarely consumed in Europe. However, in the Stone Age, early humans

 News Economics

Higher Gas Tax Promotes Health

The interaction between health and transportation policies has been underestimated in the past. Researchers from the RWI Leibniz Institute for Economic Research have found that

 News Medicine

Rising Obesity in Poor Nations

A recent study conducted by the Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU) has shed light on the increasing prevalence of obesity in many African countries. While hunger

 News Medicine

One in Six German Drivers Endanger Traffic

Many drivers in Germany are endangering traffic due to medical reasons, but there are currently no mandatory health checks for seniors. In most EU member

 News Medicine

Aspirin lowers diabetes risk in seniors.

A recent study conducted by researchers at Monash University in Melbourne has found that daily intake of 100mg of aspirin can significantly reduce the risk