News Economics

Sugar Tax Reduces Beverage Consumption

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Cambridge has found that a sugar tax on sweetened beverages in the UK has significantly

 News Medicine

Rising Chronic Health Issues Under 50

More than a third of adults in wealthier countries suffer from chronic illnesses before the age of 50, according to a study by the University

 News Medicine

Commute Health: Car vs Bike?

A recent study conducted by scientists from the Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge has found that cycling to work instead of driving

 News Medicine

Chocolate’s Positive Health Effects

Chocolate is often considered a sweet treat that should be consumed in moderation due to its potential negative impact on health. However, a new study

 News Medicine

Living to 150: Is it Possible?

A new study has shed light on how long humans could potentially live with modern technology, and what the limits are. Heart disease, strokes, and

 News Environment

Wealthy People Responsible for Climate Change

The European Commission has recently approved the consumption of the European Migratory Locust as a food source. This large, sociable flying insect is known to

 News Medicine

Less Antibiotics Used in Animals

The use of antibiotics in animal farming is declining, according to a report by several European health and food authorities, including the European Medicines Agency

 News Medicine

Double Liver Fat Production with Added Sugar

A moderate consumption of sugar significantly increases the production of fat in the liver, which in turn raises the risk of diseases such as type

 News Psychology

Boost Mood with Virtual Forest Walks

Virtual Forest Walks Have Similar Positive Effects on Health and Well-being as Real Shinrin-Yoku Research has shown that Shinrin-Yoku, also known as forest bathing, has

 News Medicine

Caffeine alters brain structures

Regular caffeine consumption has been found to reduce the volume of gray matter in the brain and the hippocampus, a region of the brain that