News Psychology

People are more honest

Optimists are up to 70% more likely to live to 85 years old than pessimists, according to a study by Boston University School of Medicine.

 News Chemistry

New Sensor Detects Methanol in Alcohol

A new device has been developed that can detect whether alcohol has been mixed with methanol in just two minutes. Additionally, the device can read

 News Medicine

Orange Juice Healthier Than Whole Fruit

Oranges are known for their high levels of natural antioxidants, including carotenoids and flavonoids, which protect cells from harmful environmental factors and reduce the risk

 News Medicine

Reduce Heart Disease Risk with Naps

A new study has found that taking one or two short naps per week can reduce stress levels and improve overall health. However, frequent napping

 News Medicine

5+ Beers a Week Increases Mortality

A recent study conducted by the University of Cambridge has found that the current alcohol consumption limits set by various countries are too high. The

 News Medicine

Intermittent Fasting: Weight Loss & Health Benefits

A new study has found that people who practice intermittent fasting can lose an average of 3.5 kilograms of weight per month. This form of

 News Psychology

Optimism Increases Lifespan: Study

Optimists are up to 70% more likely to live to 85 years old than pessimists, according to a study by Boston University School of Medicine.

 News Medicine

Night Shifts Linked to Cancer: WHO

Night work has long been known to be detrimental to health, with links to obesity and diabetes. Now, a new metastudy has classified night work

 News Medicine

Track Health with Camera App

A new method of measuring blood pressure, pulse, and stress levels using smartphone videos has been developed by scientists at the University of Toronto. The

 News Medicine

Father’s Alcohol Consumption and Baby’s Heart Defects

A recent metastudy analyzing data from over 300,000 people has found that regular alcohol consumption by fathers before conception increases the risk of heart defects