News Medicine

High Alcohol Consumption Harms Muscles

A recent study conducted by the University of East Anglia (UEA) has revealed that increased alcohol consumption leads to muscle loss, particularly in older individuals.

 News Chemistry

Less Protein Absorption from Plant-Based Meat

Plant-based meat alternatives are becoming increasingly popular, but a recent study from Ohio State University has found that the protein in these products is not

 News Environment

Obesity speeds up climate change.

Obesity is not only a health issue but also an environmental one. According to a recent study by The Obesity Society, people who are overweight

 News Medicine

Modern Diet Causes Overeating

The Protein Leverage Theory suggests that the high fat and carbohydrate content in many foods contributes to the development of obesity. According to this theory,

 News Chemistry

New Material Filters Glyphosate Efficiently

A new filter based on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) has been developed that can effectively remove the pesticide glyphosate from water. Glyphosate is the most widely

 News Medicine

E-Bikes Boost Fitness and Health

E-Bikes have been a topic of debate when it comes to their impact on health. However, a recent study has shown that motorized bicycles can

 News Medicine

Wind turbines’ infrasound doesn’t disturb sleep.

A recent study conducted by the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research (WIMR) has found that the infrasound produced by wind turbines does not negatively affect

 News Medicine

Signs of High Baby Intelligence

New research from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) in Germany has found that certain physical characteristics of babies can predict their intelligence quotient (IQ) and neurological

 News Medicine

Scientist to live 100 days underwater and become ‘Superman’

A University of South Florida professor is planning to spend 100 days living in an underwater station to investigate the effects of high pressure on

 News Medicine

Unhealthy Diet Disrupts Deep Sleep Recovery

A new study conducted by researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden has found that an unhealthy diet can negatively impact the restorative properties of deep