News Medicine

New migraine vaccine helps millions.

Millions of migraine sufferers may soon be able to live without their debilitating headaches. An international team of researchers has developed a new migraine vaccine

 News Medicine

Beer improves gut microbiome in men.

Beer consumption has been found to increase the number of health-promoting bacteria in the gut microbiome of men, according to a recent study by scientists

 News Medicine

Human Brain Runs Hotter Than Expected

The human brain is warmer than previously thought, with temperatures that would be considered a fever elsewhere in the body. A study by the MRC

 News Medicine

Radiation from mobile phones doesn’t affect cancer risk.

A recent long-term study has shown that mobile phone usage does not increase the risk of cancer. However, the study did not include the new

 News Medicine

Slim down with public transportation

A recent study conducted by the University of Illinois has found that using public transportation instead of cars can lead to a decrease in obesity

 News Environment

1.8 Million Deaths from Polluted Air

Air pollution caused by fine particulate matter and nitrogen oxides is responsible for 1.85 million new cases of asthma in children and 1.8 million additional

 News Medicine

Robots improving surgical procedures?

Robots are increasingly being used in the medical field to perform surgeries. A recent study compared the results of bladder removal surgeries performed by robots

 News Chemistry

New Atmospheric Substance: Hydrotrioxide

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery that hydrotrioxides can be formed in the Earth’s atmosphere. These highly reactive compounds have unknown effects on the environment

 News Environment

Pollution zones lower residents’ satisfaction.

Umweltzonen Improve Air Quality and Health, but Temporarily Lower Residents’ Quality of Life According to a study by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW

 News Economics

New tax on sugary drinks demanded

Germany is facing a growing problem of obesity, with more and more people struggling with weight issues. In response, the Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (VZBV), a consumer