News Medicine

Poverty harms babies prenatally.

A new study in Austria is examining the effects of poverty on pregnant women and their newborns. Previous research has shown a correlation between a

 News Medicine

E-cigarettes linked to increased tobacco use

A new study conducted by researchers at Purdue University has found that teenagers who use e-cigarettes before the age of 15 are more likely to

 News Economics

Top Global State Rankings

A well-functioning state is often associated with democracy and citizen rights. However, a recent study conducted by Theresa Paola Stawski, a political scientist at Julius-Maximilians-Universität

 News Medicine

Lab-grown blood transfused to humans.

In the UK, scientists from the University of Bristol and other research institutions are working on producing human blood in the laboratory as part of

 News Medicine

UN warns of strain on healthcare from cannabis

The increasing use of cannabis is leading to a greater burden on healthcare facilities, according to the World Drug Report 2022 by the United Nations

 News Medicine

Digital Medication Tracking Saves Lives

A complete digital recording and evaluation of all prescription drugs could prevent 70,000 deaths per year in Germany. The Barmer health insurance company, in collaboration

 News Medicine

RKI Model Predicts 300k Omicron Cases Daily

Germany is expected to see 300,000 new Omicron cases per day, according to a model calculation by scientists at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and

 News Medicine

WHO opens alternative medicine center in India

The traditional healing methods that have been developed for centuries in alternative medicine have not been scientifically investigated. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has

 News Medicine

Flu epidemic warning until summer

The flu season of 2021/2022 could extend into the summer due to reduced measures against Covid-19. Lockdowns, masks, and social distancing as a norm prevented

 News Medicine

German Ethics Council Supports Vaccine Mandate

The German Ethics Council has recommended expanding the country’s vaccination mandate to include “significant parts of the population.” Currently, only healthcare workers and staff in