News Technology

Power companies can limit electric car and heat pump charging

Germany’s low-voltage power grids are not currently equipped to handle the increasing demand for electricity. As a result, the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) has allowed

 News Technology

Renewable Energy Strains Power Grids

The expansion of renewable energy and the rise of new consumers, particularly heat pumps and electric cars, could overwhelm power grids. Without timely expansion, this

 News Economics

Electric car and heat pump power reduction

Germany is set to experience a significant increase in electricity consumption in the coming years due to the rising number of electric cars and heat

 News Environment

Reduce German gas consumption with heat pumps.

Germany is heavily reliant on the combustion of fossil fuels to generate heat. However, the use of climate-neutral heat sources such as geothermal and solar

 News Technology

27,000 Households Powered by Giant Heat Pumps

Denmark is set to create two massive heat pumps that will provide CO2-neutral warmth to 27,000 households using wind energy. While heat pumps are typically

 News Technology

Drone Kills Human Commander

Denmark is set to create two massive heat pumps that will provide CO2-neutral warmth to 27,000 households using wind energy. While heat pumps are typically

 News Technology

Hydroactive Building Facade: World’s First

A new system has set an efficiency record for propane-based heat pumps, reducing the amount of propane needed to operate them. While heat pumps are