News Physics

Plasma Gun Freezes with Precision

In a surprising discovery, researchers at the University of Virginia have developed a cold plasma gun that can cool surfaces for a few microseconds. Plasma,

 News Astronomy

White Dwarf Star with Two ‘Faces’ Discovered

In a recent discovery, astronomers have found a unique white dwarf star named Janus that blinks every 15 minutes due to having one hemisphere made

 News Technology

Gas Lens Scatters UV Light

In a breakthrough discovery, a team of researchers from the Max-Born-Institute in Berlin has developed a lens that can manipulate extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light. Until

 News Technology

Mind-Controlled Chat with Implant

In a breakthrough discovery, a team of researchers from the Max-Born-Institute in Berlin has developed a lens that can manipulate extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light. Until

 News Physics

Helium Trimer Detected in Experiments

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have experimentally proven the existence of the Efimov trimer, a state of matter that was previously only theoretical. The Efimov