News Archeology

Wine Production in Sicily under Islamic Rule

Archaeologists from the University of York have discovered that wine production and trade in Sicily were not only allowed but even expanded under Islamic rule.

 News Biology

Viking DNA reveals diverse origins

New DNA analyses have revealed that the stereotype of the blonde Viking from Scandinavia is false. The Vikings are known in European history as a

 News Archeology

Israel Shares Rare Islamic Texts

Israel has made a remarkable contribution to the world by making numerous ancient Islamic texts available on an online platform. The collection of around 2,500

 News Archeology

17th Century Metal Coffin Unearthed

A strange metal container was discovered by workers during excavation for a residential building in Litzlberg, Austria. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed to be

 News Archeology

Ancient Intact Shipwreck Found

Archaeologists from the University of Southampton have discovered a shipwreck in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Sweden that is almost entirely intact despite

 News Archeology

Secret Ninja Document Found After 300 Years

Japanese researchers have made a fascinating discovery – a 300-year-old written Ninja oath. The Ninjas of ancient Japan are shrouded in mystery, and this newly

 News Archeology

Opening 3,500-Year-Old Sarcophagus

In a groundbreaking discovery, archaeologists in the city of Luxor, Egypt have opened a sarcophagus in the Al-Asasif necropolis for the first time in front

 News Archeology

Oldest Intact Shipwreck Found in Black Sea

In a remarkable archaeological discovery, researchers have found what is believed to be the oldest intact shipwreck at the bottom of the Black Sea. The

 News Archeology

Edersee’s Low Water Reveals Sunken Ruins

The Ederstausee in northern Hesse is currently only a quarter full due to the prolonged drought. However, this extreme low water level offers visitors a

 News Archeology

Massive sunken cities discovered in Cambodia.

A network of cities hidden under dense vegetation has been discovered in Cambodia, according to Australian archaeologist Dr. Damian Evans. Using LiDAR technology, which measures