News Medicine

Deadly HIV Mutation Found in Netherlands

A new variant of the HIV virus has been discovered in the Netherlands, with a significantly higher viral load and potential for easier transmission. Researchers

 News Medicine

HIV cured with umbilical cord blood

In a groundbreaking medical breakthrough, a woman in the United States has been cured of both HIV and leukemia through a cord blood transplant. The

 News Medicine

mRNA-based HIV vaccine study

Moderna, a biotechnology company, has begun a ten-month Phase I study with 56 participants to test the first mRNA-based vaccine against HIV. The study aims

 News Medicine

New Target for Possible HIV Treatment

Austrian researchers have identified a previously unknown mechanism of the HIV virus that plays a central role in its replication in the human body. Despite

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Russian Scientist Continues Gene Experiments on Babies

A Russian scientist has announced his intention to conduct experiments on embryos using the CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing tool, despite the known health risks. The Chinese scientist

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New HIV Antibody Passes Tests

Taiwanese scientists have conducted a study on the antibody UB-421, which can prevent the spread of the HIV virus. The results are promising, and if

 News Medicine

Crispr Cures HIV-Infected Mice

A new treatment method combining antiviral drugs and the gene-editing tool Crispr may soon offer hope for a cure for HIV-infected individuals. Researchers at the

 News Medicine

Genetically Modified Babies Born in China

In a groundbreaking development, Chinese doctors have announced the birth of twin girls whose genes were manipulated using the CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing tool. While the genetic

 News Medicine

HIV hiding in human body found

A recent article published in the scientific journal Nature by a team of French scientists has given new hope to doctors and HIV-infected patients. The

 News Medicine

Doctors cure AIDS-infected baby.

In a groundbreaking medical achievement, doctors at the University of Maryland School of Medicine have successfully cured a baby born with HIV. The infant was