Story Biology

Homo Naledi: Another Piece in the Human Puzzle

A recent addition to the human evolutionary family, Homo naledi, poses a fascinating enigma. Despite its primitive body structure, this species appears to be much

 Story Biology

The Tapestry of Human Evolution

“Descended from monkeys?… Let’s hope it’s not true, but if it is, let’s pray that it doesn’t become known to the world.” The Bishop of

 Story Biology

Tracing the Earliest Homo Sapiens Beyond Africa

In a groundbreaking discovery, the potential earliest fossil of a modern human outside Africa has been unearthed in Israel. A fossilized jawbone, recovered from the

 News Medicine

World’s Largest Family Tree Created

A groundbreaking study has revealed that a new artificial intelligence (AI) has created the largest family tree of humanity, tracing back over 100,000 years. The

 News Biology

Discovery of Hobbit-like Human Species in the Philippines

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