News Medicine

Birth control affects women’s stress management.

The use of birth control pills has been linked to changes in stress responses in women. According to a study published in the journal Behavioural

 News Medicine

Cannabis Reduces Male Fertility

Cannabis Use Linked to Decreased Sperm Production A recent study conducted by researchers at the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) has found that regular

 News Medicine

Global trend: Longer penises

The average size of erect penises has been increasing globally, according to a metastudy conducted by researchers at Stanford University. The study, led by urologist

 News Medicine

Men’s higher colon cancer risk partially unexplained.

Men have almost twice the risk of developing colon cancer compared to women, despite known risk factors only partially explaining this disparity. Hormones may be

 News Chemistry

New Method Removes Hormones from Drinking Water

A new method has been developed that can remove up to 98% of micro-pollutants from drinking water. Traditional water purification and treatment technologies are unable

 News Chemistry

Toxic Hormone Found in Baby Socks

A recent study conducted in Spain has found the presence of the dangerous hormone Bisphenol A (BPA) in baby socks. BPA is known to disrupt

 News Medicine

Birth Control Shrinks Brain Region

A recent pilot study has found that the use of oral contraceptives, such as the birth control pill, can shrink the hypothalamus in women. The

 News Medicine

Cosmetics in Pregnancy Accelerate Puberty

A new long-term study has revealed the impact of cosmetic ingredients on pregnant women, which can lead to earlier onset of puberty in their children.

 News Medicine

Low Testosterone Causes Male Depression

A lack of the male hormone testosterone can lead to a loss of drive, persistent fatigue, a loss of libido, and severe depression. Researchers at