News Biology

Bonobos’ Friendly Connections Offer Clues to Human Societies

In a new study, scientists observed wild bonobos in the Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve, uncovering an unexpected trait—bonobos often cooperate across groups. Unlike their chimp relatives,

 Story Biology

Lucy’s Tragic End: A Glimpse into Human Evolution

Three million years ago, the renowned human ancestor Lucy met a tragic demise, leaving behind fossilized bones that remain unparalleled in paleoanthropology. Donald Johanson, Lucy’s

 Story Biology

Human Fatness vs. Primate Leanness

Though sharing 99% of our DNA with primate relatives, humans stand out as considerably fatter. While contemporary factors like unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyles

 Story Biology

Ancient Bedbugs: Coexisting with Dinosaurs

Bedbugs, unwelcome nocturnal companions of humanity, have a history stretching back over 100 million years. Surprisingly, these pests existed alongside dinosaurs, serving as parasites to

 Story Biology

Oxygen Levels: A Boost for Alligator Hearts

Curious about how reduced oxygen levels can lead to a stronger and larger heart in alligators? While lack of oxygen during early development harms the

 Story Biology

Homo Naledi: Another Piece in the Human Puzzle

A recent addition to the human evolutionary family, Homo naledi, poses a fascinating enigma. Despite its primitive body structure, this species appears to be much

 Story Biology

Tracing the Earliest Homo Sapiens Beyond Africa

In a groundbreaking discovery, the potential earliest fossil of a modern human outside Africa has been unearthed in Israel. A fossilized jawbone, recovered from the

 News Biology

Evolution of the Sugar Gene

The perils of red meat consumption trace back two million years, unveiling a pivotal shift in the human genome. A genetic mutation altered our sugar-making

 News Biology

The Human’s GEO-Magnetic Sense

Humans May Have a Magnetic Sense, According to Study A new study from the California Institute of Technology suggests that humans may have a magnetic