News Physics

Hydrogen from Ammonia with Light

A new method of extracting hydrogen from ammonia using LED light, iron, and copper has been developed by scientists at Rice University. Unlike traditional ammonia

 News Chemistry

Palladium Nanoparticles Store Hydrogen

A new technology based on “nanopralines” made of palladium could simplify the use of hydrogen as a climate-neutral fuel by reducing the amount of energy

 News Technology

Hydrogen plane to circle Earth

The FlyZero project has unveiled a concept for a hydrogen-powered aircraft that could transport nearly 300 people from London to San Francisco without local emissions.

 News Technology

Robot jumps without legs using Maxwell forces.

The aerospace industry is taking a significant step towards sustainable air travel with the development of hydrogen-powered planes. Airbus ZEROe announced earlier this year that

 News Chemistry

Hydrogen from Hydrogen Sulfide

A new process has been developed that can produce pure hydrogen from toxic hydrogen sulfide. The process is set to be tested on an industrial

 News Technology

Hydrogen Power Plant for Homes

A new mini power plant can now produce climate-neutral hydrogen in your own backyard. Hydrogen is an environmentally friendly energy source, especially when produced through

 News Biology

Revolutionary Photosynthesis Produces Hydrogen

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers from the University of Bristol and the Polytechnic University of Harbin have developed a new method for producing hydrogen using

 News Technology

New hydrogen train replaces diesel

A new hydrogen-powered train, known as the Hydrail, has been unveiled in Ludwigshafen, Germany. The train, manufactured by Alstom, is designed to replace traditional diesel

 News Chemistry

Creating Hydrogen from Sunlight

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at St. John’s College, Cambridge University have successfully altered the process of photosynthesis to produce large amounts of hydrogen and