News Medicine

Deadly HIV Mutation Found in Netherlands

A new variant of the HIV virus has been discovered in the Netherlands, with a significantly higher viral load and potential for easier transmission. Researchers

 News Medicine

New Vaccine Halts Aging Process

A new vaccine has been developed that can eliminate senescent cells, also known as zombie cells, and stop the aging process. These cells do not

 News Medicine

Antibiotics weaken vaccine effectiveness.

Antibiotics significantly reduce the level of antibodies built up by vaccination in young children, according to a study by researchers at the Rochester General Hospital

 News Medicine

Dangerous immune response from fatty diet.

A new study by scientists at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) has found that a high-fat diet triggers a dangerous immune system reaction in abdominal fat, increasing

 News Medicine

Can Hair Protein Fight Covid-19?

A breakthrough discovery has been made by a team of scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who have found that a component of the immune

 News Medicine

Flu shots lower dementia risk

A regular flu shot significantly reduces the risk of dementia in old age, according to a recent study by the Saint Louis University School of

 News Medicine

Antidepressants inhibit cancer growth.

The “happiness hormone” serotonin has been found to promote cancer growth, according to a study by researchers at the University of Zurich. While serotonin is

 News Medicine

Third Covid-19 shot unnecessary

According to a WHO vaccine expert, a third Covid-19 vaccine dose is currently only useful in a few exceptional cases. Instead, the available vaccine doses

 News Medicine

Controversial Study: Volunteers Infected with COVID

In a controversial move, young people in London are intentionally being infected with SARS-CoV-2 to gain new knowledge about the virus and aid in vaccine

 News Medicine

Fungal Vaccine Halts Gut Inflammation

A new vaccine against aggressive fungi could potentially help people with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease. Researchers at the University of Utah