News Biology

Impressive Immune System of Canaries

Kanary birds are one of the oldest domesticated birds, known for their vibrant colors and beautiful singing. However, recent research has revealed that these seemingly

 News Medicine

Chestnut Leaf Molecule Fights Hospital Germs

A newly discovered molecule found in chestnut leaves may provide a solution to treating MRSA infections without promoting the development of new antibiotic-resistant bacteria. MRSA,

 News Medicine

Gum disease increases COVID-19 risk.

A new study has found that individuals with chronic gum disease, also known as periodontitis, are at a higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms.

 News Medicine

Flu vaccine affects SARS-CoV-2

A new study has found that getting a flu shot can reduce the risk of contracting a SARS-CoV-2 infection. The study, published in the American

 News Medicine

Lifetime flu vaccine on horizon?

A new vaccine may soon offer lifelong protection against the flu. In a clinical phase I study, the safety and efficacy of the vaccine have

 News Medicine

Breast Cancer Turns Killer Cells into Helpers

New research has revealed that killer cells, which are usually the perfect weapon against cancer tumors and metastases, can be reprogrammed by contact with cancer

 News Medicine

Scarless Healing with Wound Gel

A new wound gel has been developed that activates the immune system and accelerates the healing of skin injuries. This medication could potentially prevent scarring

 News Medicine

Reverse Aging with New Cell Therapy

A new cell therapy has been developed by scientists at the University of Bern that can reverse the aging process in mice. The therapy is

 News Medicine

Vitamin D lowers Covid-19 mortality

A Vitamin D deficiency can increase the severity of Covid-19 and quadruple the risk of death in patients over 40 years old, according to a

 News Medicine

Salt harms immune system

Excessive salt in our food is not only unappetizing but also harmful to our health. While it adds flavor and enhances taste, too much salt