News Medicine

Tocilizumab Prevents Cytokine Storm in COVID-19

A new study published in the Lancet Rheumatology has found that the rheumatoid arthritis drug Tocilizumab can prevent an overreaction of the immune system that

 News Medicine

Coronavirus may cause skin changes.

The coronavirus has been known to affect various organs in the body, but recent studies have shown that it can also cause skin changes. In

 News Medicine

Obesity Increases Severe COVID Risk

Obesity significantly increases the risk of a severe course of illness with SARS-CoV-2, according to studies from France and China. Patients with obesity are more

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Salt-rich diet weakens immune system.

A new study has found that consuming too much salt weakens the immune system, making it more difficult for the body to fight off bacterial

 News Medicine

Cross-Immunity Clues for Covid-19

A recent study published in the journal Nature by scientists from Charité and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics (MPIMG) has found that healthy

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Antibiotics Increase Food Allergy Risk

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of South Carolina has found that infants who are treated with antibiotics during their first year

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Brain Resilience Boosted by Bacteria Vaccine

A recent study conducted on rats has shown that a vaccine made from bacteria can prevent inflammation in the brain caused by stress. Clinical trials

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Prevent Hair Loss with Plucking

A new study from the University of Southern California has revealed a surprising method for promoting hair growth in balding individuals. According to the researchers,

 News Medicine

Turmeric Suppresses Inflammation Safely

A breakthrough study by scientists at the University of Saarland has found that curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, can suppress inflammation without any side

 News Medicine

Weak Immune System Linked to Obesity

A weak immune system can cause an imbalance in gut bacteria, leading to increased fat absorption and weight gain. While high energy intake is meant