News Technology

New system collects CO? from truck exhausts.

A new system developed by researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (ETHL) could help reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of the

 News Physics

Self-healing synthetic diamond

A new synthetic diamond has been developed that can “heal” itself thanks to a nanomaterial. This breakthrough could lead to the production of more durable

 News Physics

Measuring the Strength of Strong Nuclear Force

A new synthetic diamond has been developed that can “heal” itself thanks to a nanomaterial. This breakthrough could lead to the production of more durable

 News Physics

Computer-simulated Diamond: Harder and Lighter

Scientists at Tsukuba University have discovered a new form of diamond that is harder than natural diamonds and lighter than graphite. Diamonds are essential for

 News Technology

Future Importance of Screw Compressors

Revolutionary Screw Compressors: The Future of Energy Conversion Screw compressors are widely used for generating compressed air or process gases at a low cost. However,

 News Biology

Rare Bacteria Create Tiny Gold Nuggets

In a remarkable discovery, Canadian scientists have found that a bacterium called Delftia acidovorans can transform harmful gold ions into tiny gold nuggets. The bacteria