News Psychology

Infant Brain Categorizes Voices

New research has shown that even at just four months old, babies have a special preference for voices. This is because voices are the most

 News Medicine

10,000 Unknown Viruses Found in Diapers

A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers at the University of Copenhagen has discovered over 10,000 previously unknown viruses in the gut microbiome of babies. The

 News Medicine

Identifying Biomarkers for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

A breakthrough discovery has been made by researchers in Australia regarding Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also known as Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI).

 News Archeology

Ancient Babies Reveal Unique Death Ritual

Archaeological excavations in Ecuador have revealed a unique burial ritual that involved placing the heads of deceased babies and toddlers inside larger skulls before burial.

 News Medicine

Antibiotics Increase Food Allergy Risk

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of South Carolina has found that infants who are treated with antibiotics during their first year

 News Medicine

Prevent Asthma and Allergies with Animal Fur

A recent study conducted by German researchers has confirmed that babies who sleep on animal fur are less likely to develop asthma and allergies later